Monday, February 10, 2020

Natural status and level of organization in the world

 Natural status and level of organization in the world
living A diversity of species is found among the living organisms on Earth.

In organisms shows a wide range of
  • SIZE
  • FORM

Measures to protect the livelihood of Sri Lanka

 Take measures to protect the livelihood in• Prohibit the export of animals or animal parts or products manufactured by dead animals or animals by legal measures.
• Increasing the number of breeding animals at risk.
• Protecting the balance of animals in the ecosystem by endangering animals through legal action.
• Carry out backups through state-owned government media.

• Creating protected forests, sanctuaries, national parks etc. through conservation of biodiversity.

How to protect bio diversity

To Protect Biodiversity • Protect endangered species: - Biomass can be avoided by buying products such as elephant, tortoise and animal skin.

• Awareness creation: - Developing countries account for 75% of the world's population and 80% of the biomass. However, people's awareness programs are not practiced in these countries. Awareness programs and scientific studies can be done to protect the biodiversity by protecting these species.
• Establish tangible consumption patterns: - Developed countries of the world's resources consume. Eliminating poverty, hunger and famine in developing countries and providing social justice in these countries can create a sustainable consumption pattern.

• Controlling global warming: - Aeration activities increase the average temperature of the Earth. It is imperative to avoid the use of products and products that may cause global warming.

Adverse effects of loss of bio diversity

Deforestation: - Deforestation destroys many valuable plant species. More and more forests are being planted during reforestation and reforestation. This causes many rare species of plants to become extinct from the environment. Shows in particular are characterized by one-on-one nature. The food chain and the food chain are also affected.
• Disease outbreak: - Plants found in the natural environment have properties that can compensate for many diseases. When certain ethnic groups become extinct, new diseases develop in the environment and these diseases affect humans. 
• Flooding: - Reforestation and deforestation increase the chances of flooding. When wetlands are reclaimed, rains cause flooding when there is no place to rest. Also, when vegetation is low in river basins, direct flooding can erode riverbanks and cause flooding.
• Declining production of medicinal products: - Herbs and medicines for various diseases are obtained from the forest. Some herbs are destroyed when wild areas are destroyed, and the herbal products from natural herbs are affected. Drugs such as aspirin are made from the leaves of a plant called Willow.
• Impairment of Natural Beauty: - When there is a decrease in the flora and fauna of the area, the natural beauty will decrease and there will be a decline in the number of tourists visiting nature.
• Creatures isolate: - Deforestation will isolate birds and animals that live in them. Such isolation can occur, especially when their enclosures are destroyed.

• Environmental Balance Affects: - When there is a change in the amount of living elements found in an environment, it affects the balance of the environment.

Biodiversity Factors for Biodiversity abundant

 Deforestation: - Forests are found to be the most areas in the world. The world's ionized rain forests are part of a large number of species. When such areas become extinct, the animals that live there may be destroyed by food or shelter or moved elsewhere.
• Destruction of Murmansk caverns: - The marine waters are called the ion rain forests of the ocean due to the abundance of living things in the sea. . These ecosystems contribute to the survival of 25% of the world's fish species. The creatures that inhabit the Murukkuppallavaram area are also extinct when the marine boulders are destroyed and some migrate.
• Wetland restoration: - Wetlands are habitats of fish, etc., and are ideal for breeding grounds. Wetlands are reclaimed for residential construction and urban expansion, as well as for waste disposal. This makes the wetland organisms vulnerable to extinction.
• Increasing use of chemical inputs: - There is a need to increase the food supply according to the increasing population. Thus the use of large chemical inputs is the product of the revolutions that have occurred in agriculture such as the Green Revolution. Chemical fertilizers, disinfectants and herbicides in particular are such chemical inputs. Thus, when chemical inputs are applied to the land, they affect the microbial activity of the soil. This results in the destruction of microorganisms found in the agricultural landscape.
• Keeping fire: - Forests are set on fire for easy cultivation and capture of animals. When wild areas that are selected for shelf life are burned, various species of life in the area are destroyed. In addition, the fires spread to other areas and lead to the destruction of the species. In countries like Africa, biomass is heavily affected by animal fodder.
• Hunting: - In some developing countries wildlife is being hunted and the livelihoods are affected by commercial wildlife capture. In these countries, many animals are illegally exported to the skin and ivory of ivory.
• Natural disasters: Livelihoods are also affected by volcanoes, droughts, floods, hurricanes and wildfires. When a volcano erupts, the volcanic slurry spreads over neighboring areas, causing lives to be destroyed. Similarly, during the drought season, many animals are destroyed by drought. Example: Volcano - Colombia, Drought - Sri Lanka, India, Flood - India, Bangladesh
• River Basin Development Projects This is especially the case in developing countries. The Machiavelli, Kalloya and Uva Reservoirs in Sri Lanka are the Niger River Project in Nigeria and the Sambas Project in Zambia.
• Global warming: - Climate change and global warming are affecting the loss of species diversity. As the temperature rises continuously, its intensity becomes unbearable. It is said that the species, in particular the dinosaur, were extinct.

Knowing biological diversity

Biodiversity refers to the variety of life forms that make up the terrestrial habitat. These include the diversity of habitats found among the different species, the diversity of flora and fauna, and the genetic diversity of individual species. Biodiversity is commonly referred to as the 'variety of whole-organisms found in the environment from hereditary unit to species'.

Biodiversity is the diversity of all living organisms, including the land, marine and aquatic ecosystems and ecosystems that they are a part of. It encompasses diversity within and across organisms, and ecological systems. (United Nations Earth Summit - 1992 Riot Genera)Impact Impact In
Biodiversity Biodiversity
particular context; Removal of a species from one or more species or continuously destroying it or moving elsewhere is known as endangering or altering the biodiversity. The creation of a new species and the displacement of specific territories affects biodiversity.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Characteristics of living organisms

Nutrition is the process by which living things obtain and assimilate nutrients, living things require nutrients for various purposes,growth,repair of worn out tissues and provision of energy .plant manufacture their own using light energy,carbon oxide ,water and mineral salts through the process of photosynthesis ,conversely,animals feed on already manufactured food from plants and other animals.

respiration of the process by which food are chemically broken down to release energy. during respiration,oxygen is used while energy,carbon oxide and water are released .respiration occurs in all living cells. the energy produced in living things is very useful as it enables the living things carry out some of their physiological process. the energy is also required for growth and development,movement and repair of worn out tissues.

This is a process by which living things separate and elimination the wast or harmful materials resulting form chemical reaction with in the cells.these harmful wastes products of metabolism maybe toxic to the body if they are left to accumulate in the cells of living things.

Movement refers to change is position of a part or an organism. movement in plants includes folding of leaves,closing of flowers ad growing of shoots towards light. the change of position of an entire organism from one position to another is locomotion.

This is ability of living things to perceive changes in their environment and respond to them appropriator. living things responds to change in temperature,humility,light,presence or absence of certain chemicals. response of organism to these change is crucial as it enables them to escape from harmful stimuli.ability to detect changes in the environment also enable organism to obtain resource in their environment. 

This is a process by which living things give rise to new individual of the same kind.All living things reproduce. reproduction is essential as it leads to perpetuation of species and it avoid extinction of certain animals and plants.

Growth refers to an irreversible increase in size and mass while development refers to the irreversible change in complexity of the stature of living things. growth and development of livings things is essential as it enable the living things to attain maximum size that can enable them to perform their function and roles.

Metabolism refers to process by which livings exchange oxygen and carbon oxide across the respiratory surface animals always take in air rich in oxygen and give out air rich in carbon oxide.
carbon oxide is a waste products of chemical reaction in the body.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Bio diversity

Biological diversity' means the variability among living organisms from all sources including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are a part; this includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems.

  • Biodiversity is the variety of organisms in an area. It can be considered on different levels including habitat, species and genetic diversity of an area
  • Habitat diversity refers to the range of habitats present in a region
  • Species diversity is the number of species and the number of individuals within each species in a specified area. It takes into account species richness and species evenness.
  • Species richness is a measure of the number of different species in a community.
  • Species evenness is a measure of the relative abundances of different species in an area.
  • Genetic diversity is the variety of all the genes (number of different alleles of genes) possessed by the individuals in a population or whole species
  • Alleles are different forms of the same gene
  • The greater the genetic diversity, the greater the ability of the species to adapt to a changing environment.
  • Genetic diversity can be estimated by comparing physical characteristics or by analyzing genomes.

Importance of biology

Important reasons for studying biology are to understand how cells and organisms work. It involves the study of life and it is very important as it tells us about the natural world. Biology tells us about our body, helping us to develop cures and treatments for many diseases. It also tells us about the bodies of other animals and it can provide clinical treatment for farm animals and also pets.
Biology also tells us about plants and how they can be beneficial to human life. Biology gives us a method to classify animals and help us understand animals. It also tells us do's and don’ts for our planet. It gives us a thorough picture of human body and the organisms inside us, also about the metabolism and other processes inside the human body. Biology also tells us about the behavioral acts of humans and animals.
Biology as a science helps human life in many ways. It helps in increasing production of food, combating diseases and also aids in protecting and conserving our environment. The advances in the field of biology have resulted in high standard of living in the field of food and health. Production of plants has been increased by improving the varieties and development of high-yield and diseases resistant varieties of plants and animals that are used as food.
Biology is the study of living things that are basically of two categories plants and animals. Importance of plants in human life are: plants are useful to human life and hence there is necessity in carrying out studies and to also to find more benefits from them. Plants are used as food like beans, rice, wheat, potatoes, etc; as medicine, and also for shelter. Wood is used for roofing, furniture, plants help in air purification. We study animals as we live together with animals, to understand their behavior and benefits to human life. Some types of animals are also an important source of food.
Biology is an important area of study as it reveals the facts and has taken us where we are today. All the other fields of study are dependent on the facts that are revealed by the studies that are carried out in field of biology.


Biology is the study of living things. It encompasses the cellular basis of living things, the energy metabolism that underlies the activities of life, and the genetic basis for inheritance in organisms. Biology also includes the study of evolutionary relationships among organisms and the diversity of life on Earth. It considers the biology of microorganisms, plants, and animals, for example, and it brings together the structural and functional relationships that underlie their day-to-day activities. Biology draws on the sciences of chemistry and physics for its foundations and applies the laws of these disciplines to living things.