Saturday, February 8, 2020

Characteristics of living organisms

Nutrition is the process by which living things obtain and assimilate nutrients, living things require nutrients for various purposes,growth,repair of worn out tissues and provision of energy .plant manufacture their own using light energy,carbon oxide ,water and mineral salts through the process of photosynthesis ,conversely,animals feed on already manufactured food from plants and other animals.

respiration of the process by which food are chemically broken down to release energy. during respiration,oxygen is used while energy,carbon oxide and water are released .respiration occurs in all living cells. the energy produced in living things is very useful as it enables the living things carry out some of their physiological process. the energy is also required for growth and development,movement and repair of worn out tissues.

This is a process by which living things separate and elimination the wast or harmful materials resulting form chemical reaction with in the cells.these harmful wastes products of metabolism maybe toxic to the body if they are left to accumulate in the cells of living things.

Movement refers to change is position of a part or an organism. movement in plants includes folding of leaves,closing of flowers ad growing of shoots towards light. the change of position of an entire organism from one position to another is locomotion.

This is ability of living things to perceive changes in their environment and respond to them appropriator. living things responds to change in temperature,humility,light,presence or absence of certain chemicals. response of organism to these change is crucial as it enables them to escape from harmful stimuli.ability to detect changes in the environment also enable organism to obtain resource in their environment. 

This is a process by which living things give rise to new individual of the same kind.All living things reproduce. reproduction is essential as it leads to perpetuation of species and it avoid extinction of certain animals and plants.

Growth refers to an irreversible increase in size and mass while development refers to the irreversible change in complexity of the stature of living things. growth and development of livings things is essential as it enable the living things to attain maximum size that can enable them to perform their function and roles.

Metabolism refers to process by which livings exchange oxygen and carbon oxide across the respiratory surface animals always take in air rich in oxygen and give out air rich in carbon oxide.
carbon oxide is a waste products of chemical reaction in the body.

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